New to LARP?

LARP stands for Live Action Role Play. If you've played Dungeons and Dragons or a similar tabletop RPG, you understand the RP part. Instead of moving a token on a grid and rolling to do attacks and cool abilities, you are the character. You swing a weapon to attack, throw packets for abilities, and many more things as your character.

There are many types of LARPs. They vary in quite a few ways including physical activity, duration, and genre. There's LARPs where you're swinging full force into people, fighting for your character's life, one's where you sit and engage in deep espionage, and everything in between. Some last for a few hours, some for an entire week. For genre, there's medieval, fantasy, scifi, western, post-apocalyptic, and more, and even some combination of those.

New to Dystopia Rising?

Dystopia Rising is an immersive, weekend long, lightest touch combat, post apocalyptic horror LARP. For most events, between Friday night and noon Sunday, you can play your character. Of course, there are times where you are not your character. Attending to your human needs, like sleeping or if you just need time to chill out and decompress, always comes first. We want your character to have a scary time, but most importantly, we want you, the player, to have a fun time. Characters will be facing off all sorts of threats. Zombies, raiders, and critters, oh my. And other people too. Anyone can be a threat, they don't always have to be clawing and snarling at you.

We’re so excited to welcome you to the end of the world! Our community brings together people from LARP, tabletop, cosplay, airsoft, video gaming, and more. You leave yourself and take on life as a character you've created, experiencing a brand new world. You'll meet people from near and far, people who live down the street, people who live on the other side of the planet; Dystopia Rising is spreading all over! Navigate the fallen world around you with other characters, take part in intense, incredible scenes, and maybe learn some things about yourself along the way.

The first thing to do is download and read the rules of play! They can be found here at:

The Setting

The World Ended A Long Time Ago... 

At least, the world we currently know ended a long time ago.  Somewhere at least four generations ago, humanity was lost to the end of times. A fungal infection, born in the blood, caused the dead to rise. They rose angry and hungry, and ravaged the creatures around them. The infection spread violently and rapidly. Quickly, the world fell into chaos. Countries far and wide attempted to slow the rampant spread of the infection.  Weapons were fired, targeting both public ground and air travel to knock out means of mass transportation, in an attempt to prevent the pre-fall aircraft and ships from carrying the plague carrying infected hosts to places not yet touched. Humanity declared war on itself with the hopes of culling the plague before it could go any further.


As humanity acted in desperation to eliminate the threat, the infection mutated and adapted to the weapons that were meant to destroy it. The plague began to warp the bodies of humanity into different forms of undead hunters.  The faster it spread, the longer it was hosted, the more it mutated. 

Humanity is long gone. 


Generations after the world had fallen and the Earth was a wasteland, mutated strains of humanity rose in the wake of what was the greatest civilization of mankind.  As the irradiated winds blew and the undead threats of the land continued to hunt, the living became mockeries of what life used to be.  While the bodies became stronger, able to shrug off all but the most grievous wounds, the flesh grew to be a new host for the parasitic entity known commonly as 'The Infection'.  

Inside every survivor strain is the roots of the Infection. It penetrated the Earth and those upon and caused all the be carriers. From the barely sentient Full dead to the hearty Red Star, each and every strain carries within them the truth that eventually all life will fall to the Gravemind - The Infection inside the Earth. All of the strains of life will eventually join the undead legions.  Mother or child, Priest or Prisoner, everyone ends as a monster.